Shiloh Baptist Church
"The Church on the Hill"
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Facebook Live Streaming will be every Sunday, 10:30am. Click the circle (f) above.
Sunday sermons are located on this page, at church, and YouTube.
Click "Worship-Previous Sermons " for more sermons, etc.
Church announcements are read on Facebook alive. Send your news to our secretary.
Office: (843)479-7460
Fax:(843) 479-7468
People Need People
Scripture Reading~ Sunday, January 19, 2024
Matthew 5: 44-48
Bible Believing-Christ Centered Church
"Large enough to serve You, but Small enough to Know You!"
Ministries & Outreach
We invite you to join in on one of our many ministries
to serve our church and community.
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1
Ministries & Outreach
The Deacons consists of members of Shiloh Baptist Church who assist the pastor, responsible for the welfare of the pastor, support the pastor for prayer and devotional services, and guard the unity of the church.
The Trustees consists of disburse funds according to the will of the church, keep a careful watch of the record in which money is invested, arrange for all normal repairs to church property, receive and secure offerings, and must show total support of church programs.
The Deaconess assist the deacons in the spirituality of the church- preparation of the Holy Communion, Baptism, visitation of the sick and shut-ins, and other services required for the edification and glorification of God's Kingdom.
The Ushers greet worshippers at the door with a cheery smile and a good morning. They hold high rank in the service of the Lord. " To be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord."
Nurses’ Aides
The Nurses Aid Ministry consists of members of the congregation who dedicate their services to the well-being and comfort of the church membership. The nurses are in uniform and serve every Sunday morning. The members of this ministry are trained in CPR and First Aid.
Pulpit Aide
The Pulpit Aide assist the pastor with a love offering on special occasions during the year, such as birthday, vacation, state and national meetings.
New Members Class Leaders
All candidates, after due examination by the pastor and the Deacon Board, shall be recommended to the church for membership. Baptism by Immersion, Letter, Christian Experience, or Watch Care Member
Officers Wives
The Officers Wives host the Christmas Reception for the Youth Ministry and the church by providing the refreshments and a bag of fruit for each person at the reception.
Newsletter Staff
The newsletter staff provides current, past, and future information to all members especially those out of town.
Community Soup Kitchen "B" Team
Members assist with the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center providing nutritious meals in a warm, safe and caring environment, free of charge, no questions asked, to anyone who comes seeking nourishment.
Missionary Ministries
General Missionary
Music Ministry
Senior Choir
Male Chorus
Gospel Choir
Children & Youth Ministry Choir
Children/Youth Ministries
Children & Youth Ministry Choir
​Praise in Motion – Praise Dancers
Goals of the ministries are:
Spiritual-to understand the connection between Christ and our “ethereal” purpose
Financial-using finances to enhance Christian life through religious literature
Social-Interaction between teachers and students to foster Christian fellowship
Educational Ministries
Bible Study (Adult, Youth/Children)
Pee Dee Union Delegates
​​Sunday School -the purpose of the Sunday School Ministry is to study God's word and learn to apply it in the Christian's daily life.
Vacation Bible School- is a week long program of religious education which utilizes a chosen theme that allows students to explore God's word in a creative way. Included in the week of VBS are bible lessons that are easy to remember and apply to real life, skits, religious songs, arts and crafts and snacks. The church family volunteers in various capacities to ensure a successful VBS. There is a fun-filled fellowship activity on the final day of VBS. All ages are welcome! VBS Director: Yolonda G. DuPree
Scholarship Committee- the purpose is to award Shiloh Baptist Church students enrolled in college annual scholarships.
Student must be:
An undergraduate student
A member of Shiloh Baptist Church
Enrolled in college during the current year
Student must have:
At least a 2.0 average
At least nine hours per semester
Student must present, on college letterhead, verification of average and most current hours earned.
This information must be sent or brought to the church clerk on or before the last Sunday in December.
If you are interested in joining one of our ministries,
please fill out the form below. In the subject, please put "Ministries"